I’m doing something I never thought I would do. I’m building a house. Well, I am not actually building it with my own hands. I have a contractor and my daughter doing all the foot-work for me. The process is well underway and in a few months from now, I will move in and make this house my home. The process has been underway for many months with the blueprint stage and what not. The house is taking shape and the excitement of moving in is building.
This house is just a manifestation of how much my life has changed in the past sixteen years. Looking back from what the Lord has brought me through and where I am today makes me feel very humble and thankful. Now don’t get me wrong. I have had a very blessed life all of my life. Wonderful parents, close sisters, loving husband, fabulous children and a quiver full of the most beautiful grandkids (13 of them) that any grandparent could ever want. I’ve always had food on the table, a roof over my head and at times maybe not much money, but never really have done without. God has been very good to me.
In 2001, my husband went to live with Jesus and my life as I knew it changed drastically. I had to redefine who I was as a person alone. In 2008, the only job I ever really knew, working on the family dairy, came to an end not only for me but for my entire family, dad and sisters. This was who we were. So for a time, I again was in the process of redefining who I was. As the months went by, I picked up my love for photography that I had all but laid to rest over the years. Soon writing opportunities came along with that and before I knew it, I was a photographer/writer. Since that time, I have met the most fascinating people and done some of the most exciting things that I never thought I’d do. Looking back, I sometimes have to pinch myself knowing that my life as I know it now is not a dream but a dream come true.
So, this house? Well, all I really know is that my favorite verse in the Bible is Proverbs 10:22, “The Blessings of the Lord it makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it.” When the slab was poured and I scratched the date into it, I also scratched that Bible reference as well because for me all I can attribute this house and everything else to is the blessings of the Lord. I am truly humbled.
Thanksgiving is a day set aside to be thankful but thanksgiving should be given daily. This Thanksgiving season let’s endeavor to begin to be thankful every day for the blessings of the Lord. When we do, we will also be able to say as the psalmist did, “I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.” Psalm 13:6.